Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Rite of Dedication to Holy Brighid

By Rowan Fairgrove

Create Sacred Space

There should be two altars. One with 3 candles - blue, green & yellow - set in a triangle. Symbols/Images of the Gods, Ancestors and Land should also be present. The second altar is a Brighid altar, bearing a red candle, sacred water and symbols/images of Brighid.

The sky above me (draw spiral three times above)
The sea surrounds me (define a circle)
The earth beneath me (touch and ground in the earth)
Thus the Realms make sacred our circle.

Light three candles for the realms and say:

The fire of inspiration infuses the realms and links all beings to the inner fire of divinity.

Meditate on the divine flame within and without. The sacred spark that illuminates the realms. When you can hold the knowledge of the flame within you say:

Statement of Intent:

I honor the realms
I honor my ancestors
I honor the spirits of this place
I am here to dedicate the fire within me
To the service of Holy Brighid
To the betterment of myself and the world.

Call Witnesses

Hear me, O Mannanon,
Horseman of the crested waves
Lord of the Cup of Truth
I invoke thee for thy gifts
Come from the western isles
and witness my dedication

Hear me, O Boann,
Opener of the Bright Well
Lady of the Nine Hazels
I invoke thee for thy gifts
Come from the source of life below
and witness my dedication

Hear me, O Ancestors
Parents of all that live
Ancestors of my body and path
I invoke thee for thy gifts
Come from your lovely realm
and witness my dedication

Hear me, O Spirits of the Land
Foundation of growth and life
Spirits of rock and tree and earth
I invoke thee for thy gifts
Come from your lovely realm
and witness my dedication

Call Brighid

The genealogy of the holy maiden Brighid,
Radiant arrow of flame, noble foster-mother of gods,
Brighid the daughter of the Dagda,
Dagda the Good God, the son of Danu,
Danu the Mother of all Things.

Brighid of the mantles,
Brighid of the peat-heap,
Brighid of the twining hair,
Brighid of the augury.
Brighid of the white feet,
Brighid of calmness,
Brighid of the white palms,
Brighid of the kine.
Brighid, woman-comrade,
Brighid, woman-helper,
Brighid, woman-mild.

Each day and each night
That I say the Descent of Brighid...
I shall not be slain, I shall not be injured,
I shall not be put in cell, I shall not be hewn,
I shall not be riven, I shall not be anguished,
I shall not be ravaged, I shall not be made blind,
I shall not be made naked, I shall not be left bare,
I shall not be enchanted, I shall not be cursed,
Neither shall my power leave me.

No fire, no sun, no moon shall burn me,
No water, no flood, no brine shall drown me,
No earth, no sod, no turf shall cover me,
No air, no wind, no vapour shall sicken me,
Nor seed of the Fairy Host shall lift me,
Nor seed of the Airy Host shall lift me,
Nor earthly being destroy me.
I under the protection of the holy maiden,
I am under the shielding of good Brighid each day;
I am under the shielding of good Brighid each night.
Each early and late, every dark, every light.
Brighid is my comrade, Brighid is my maker of song,
My gentle foster-mother, my beloved Brighid.


Take up the water of Brighid's well and anoint hands/heart/head.

I dedicate my hands to your work in the world
I dedicate my heart to your healing ways
I dedicate my head to your sacred imbas
My art shall be in thine honor (Put art on her altar in token of the gifts you offer)
My gifts shall be in thine honor
My life shall be lived in thine honor
I am thy Sister and Priestess

Cakes & Ale

Bless the food and share it with each of the witnesses and Brighid.

I bless this bread. I bless this ale.
I bless the Land that nurtured it and the Sun that gave it power.
I bless all hands, seen and unseen, that have brought it to this place.
May it nurture all here, seen and unseen.


Spirits of the Land, Foundation of growth and life
Thank you for witnessing my dedication
May there be peace between us now and always.

Ancestors, Parents of all that lives
Thank you for witnessing my dedication
May there be peace between us now and always.

Boann, Lady of the Nine Hazels
Thank you for witnessing my dedication
May there be peace between us now and always.

Mannanon, Lord of the Cup of Truth
Thank you for witnessing my dedication
May there be peace between us now and always.

Holy maiden Brighid, Radiant arrow of flame
Thank you for witnessing my dedication
May there be peace between us now and always.

Snuff three candles for the realms and say:

The sky above me (draw spiral three times above)
The sea surrounds me (define a circle)
The earth beneath me (touch and ground in the earth)
Thus the Realms make sacred our lives.

The fire of inspiration infuses the realms and links all beings to the inner fire of divinity. I hold this flame in my heart as I from this place depart.

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