- 1 glass bowl or jar, or a chalice
- 1 small round mirror
- 1 moonstone or similar stone associated with lunar energies
- Piece of white cloth large enough to cover the opening of the container
- Spring water
On the night before the actual full moon, place the mirror in the bottom of the container and place the stone on top of the mirror. Fill the container with spring water, cover the opening with a white, permeable cloth such as cheesecloth and place it outside under the light of the moon. Bring the container inside in the morning and put it in a place where it will be shielded from sunlight.
Place it outside again on the night of the full moon. Remove it to a shielded place once again in the morning. On the third night, place it outside again and bring it inside at dawn, when the moon will be setting and moving into the waning gibbous phase.
To use full moon water, add it to rituals that require full moon energy but must be conducted during other phases of the moon. It may also be brewed into tea using lunar herbs or used to consecrate receptive ritual tools or to bless a space/individual or object with lunar energy.
Should it rain on the night of the full moon, set up the container, mirror and stone as above, but leave out the water and the covering cloth. Allow the rain water to accumulate in the container and remove it to inside in the morning.
While this seems simple, remember that action without intent is useless. Create a rite, chant or simple gestures around the preparations and actions. If you work with herbs, you may also like to add fresh lunar herbs to the water. Perform each step with the intent firmly in mind. When the container is placed outside, spend time in meditation under the moon, feeling the lunar energies washing over the planet and being absorbed by the water and all that falls under its light.
*This procedure may also be performed during the dark moon, substituting an onyx or other black/dark stone for the white moonstone. Water collected during this phase will carry the energies associated with the dark moon and may be used for rituals that require such energy but for some reason cannot be conducted during the actual phase.
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