There are many methods of raising a Cone of Power. Some Wiccans/Witches employ ecstatic dance, chanting, drumming, guided imagery, meditation, trance, or techniques that alter consciousness.
Once a Cone of Power is raised it is then released so that its magick can be transmitted. Depending on the type of magick used, the cone can be sent to a person, place, or thing, through guided imagery, or the Cone can be implanted directly within the astral plane for manifestation.
The Cone of Power is one of the methods of working magic, and refers to a technique for focusing energy within a magical circle. The circle acts as both lens and container for the energy of an individual or group, creating a "cone" shape before being released for particular purpose. But why a cone? The cone is the shape of energy perceived by those sensitive to the energy currents. Churches also make use of this shape to direct energy heavenwards, with steeples situated over the altar, the nexus of energy raised by the congregation, concentrated by the priest and released. The Witches' hat is a reminder of the shape of this energy.The basic energy is that of the human body, increased and channeled in accordance with Will, although with experience, and practice, it is possible to draw on the energies of the earth and moon. Dancing and chanting is a popular way of raising the energy within the circle, and it’s fun too. however, if dancing is not possible, there is a more mental and psychic way of raising energy.
Now, let the energy around you spin faster and faster within the sphere. as you're reading this you should be getting a picture in your mind as to what it should be like. It is exactly the same, only with a bit more focus. That is all there is to visualising: picturing it in your mind. If you can't do it at first, stay calm and let it come to you. as you practice, visualisation becomes easier. I also find that reading through rituals helps, even if you aren’t performing them because you are still going through it in your mind.
Now, by this time, the energy and your intent should be swirling fast around you. Now, slowly let this energy rise up but getting narrower as you do so the energy becomes concentrated. Let this continue until all the energy has formed a cone shape above you, swirling faster and faster. Feel the energy and force, become excited with it, there's no need to stay calm at this point. Now, when you feel that you can't hold it anymore, let the energy be released in a burst of silver light streaming out into the universe.
You can use a power word or just the nova like visualization, don't be surprised if you worked up a sweat or feel a liitle tired Your spell is now sent out to the universe to work your will and manifest in time.
Sense the energy moving about you slowly building as your companions fuel it. Now visualize the silver energy within the sphere begin to spin and swirl, as you do this, add your own energy to that of the circle by visualising a shining light of your aura flowing away from your body like the flames from a bonfire rising into the night, mingling with it, stretching it to a point. With this, put all your will and intent of the spell or ritual into the energy in the same way. Do this for a few minutes until you feel ready to continue.
The tone changes, vollume increases as the power builds, your arms, holding hands with the person next to you begin to lift. The single harmonic note begins to form from the syllables and as one the group cries out the word of power releasing the cone with a burst of energy into the cosmos.
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