Friday, June 17, 2011

My Man

Right now I have nothing to post about so im going to take a little time out to talk about my man :)
He is the most wonderful person iv had the opportunity to meet, and I know everyone say's that about their loved one; but I am so blessed to have him come into my life.
I have to say, I am the older one in this relationship and that's really new to me. And another thing that's new to me is how fast I fell for him. I have been in plenty of relationships to realize that it takes time before you can say "I love you" to someone and actually mean the words. And now aday's that phrase is not taken seriously enough. But I can honestly say that I love this man. He is the most mature person I have ever been with, he is so amazing.
Im love-stuck. Its fun when we talk on the phone together because he live's in Iowa and I live in Georgia, so when our accents collide it can be a challenge to understand each other. He say's when I move up north that he is going to teach me to talk, apparently my southern drawl is worse than I had thought. But he say's its cute so :)
I guess that's all for today, I just wanted to get on here and brag about my man!

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