Monday, June 27, 2011

The Witches Ballad

Oh, I have been beyond the town, Where nightshade black and mandrake grow, and I             have been and I have seen What righteous folk would fear to know!              For I have heard, at still midnight, Upon the hilltop far, forlorn, With note that             echoed through the dark, The winding of the heathe horn.              And I have seen the fire aglow, And glinting from the magic sword, And with the             inner eye beheld The Horned One, the Sabbat's lord.              We drank the wine, and broke the bread, And ate it in the Old One's name. We linked             our hands to make the ring, And laughed and leaped the Sabbat game.              Oh, little do the townsfolk reck, When dull they lie within their bed! Beyond the             streets, beneath the stars, A merry round the witches tread!              And round and round the circle spun, Until the gates swung wide ajar, That bar the             boundaries of the earth, From faery realms that shine afar.              Oh, I have been and I have seen In magic worlds of Otherwhere. For all this world             may praise or blame, For ban or blessing nought I care.              For I have been beyond the town, Where meadowsweet and roses grow, And there such             music did I hear As worldly-righteous never know.              Enjoy!!!!!!!              Blessed Be 
Author Unknown

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Rocky Vacation

Sorry I have not been posting lately, I have gone on a mini Vacation. My Step-Mother had surgery and I have been taking care of here all week. Not that it bothers me, but my friend called and asked if I wanted to go camping with her.
I have not seen her sense high-school so my parents told me to take the weekend off. So I did, and it was ok I guess.
But when I got back me and my boyfriend got into a bit of an argument and ended up splitting.
Worst 3 day's Ever! He called constantly and text constantly, I can honestly say that no one has ever tried to keep me around like he has. SO we talked it through and we are back together.
We split for real stupid reason's, and I am so glad and happy to still be with him.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Rite of Dedication to Holy Brighid

By Rowan Fairgrove

Create Sacred Space

There should be two altars. One with 3 candles - blue, green & yellow - set in a triangle. Symbols/Images of the Gods, Ancestors and Land should also be present. The second altar is a Brighid altar, bearing a red candle, sacred water and symbols/images of Brighid.

The sky above me (draw spiral three times above)
The sea surrounds me (define a circle)
The earth beneath me (touch and ground in the earth)
Thus the Realms make sacred our circle.

Light three candles for the realms and say:

The fire of inspiration infuses the realms and links all beings to the inner fire of divinity.

Meditate on the divine flame within and without. The sacred spark that illuminates the realms. When you can hold the knowledge of the flame within you say:

Statement of Intent:

I honor the realms
I honor my ancestors
I honor the spirits of this place
I am here to dedicate the fire within me
To the service of Holy Brighid
To the betterment of myself and the world.

Call Witnesses

Hear me, O Mannanon,
Horseman of the crested waves
Lord of the Cup of Truth
I invoke thee for thy gifts
Come from the western isles
and witness my dedication

Hear me, O Boann,
Opener of the Bright Well
Lady of the Nine Hazels
I invoke thee for thy gifts
Come from the source of life below
and witness my dedication

Hear me, O Ancestors
Parents of all that live
Ancestors of my body and path
I invoke thee for thy gifts
Come from your lovely realm
and witness my dedication

Hear me, O Spirits of the Land
Foundation of growth and life
Spirits of rock and tree and earth
I invoke thee for thy gifts
Come from your lovely realm
and witness my dedication

Call Brighid

The genealogy of the holy maiden Brighid,
Radiant arrow of flame, noble foster-mother of gods,
Brighid the daughter of the Dagda,
Dagda the Good God, the son of Danu,
Danu the Mother of all Things.

Brighid of the mantles,
Brighid of the peat-heap,
Brighid of the twining hair,
Brighid of the augury.
Brighid of the white feet,
Brighid of calmness,
Brighid of the white palms,
Brighid of the kine.
Brighid, woman-comrade,
Brighid, woman-helper,
Brighid, woman-mild.

Each day and each night
That I say the Descent of Brighid...
I shall not be slain, I shall not be injured,
I shall not be put in cell, I shall not be hewn,
I shall not be riven, I shall not be anguished,
I shall not be ravaged, I shall not be made blind,
I shall not be made naked, I shall not be left bare,
I shall not be enchanted, I shall not be cursed,
Neither shall my power leave me.

No fire, no sun, no moon shall burn me,
No water, no flood, no brine shall drown me,
No earth, no sod, no turf shall cover me,
No air, no wind, no vapour shall sicken me,
Nor seed of the Fairy Host shall lift me,
Nor seed of the Airy Host shall lift me,
Nor earthly being destroy me.
I under the protection of the holy maiden,
I am under the shielding of good Brighid each day;
I am under the shielding of good Brighid each night.
Each early and late, every dark, every light.
Brighid is my comrade, Brighid is my maker of song,
My gentle foster-mother, my beloved Brighid.


Take up the water of Brighid's well and anoint hands/heart/head.

I dedicate my hands to your work in the world
I dedicate my heart to your healing ways
I dedicate my head to your sacred imbas
My art shall be in thine honor (Put art on her altar in token of the gifts you offer)
My gifts shall be in thine honor
My life shall be lived in thine honor
I am thy Sister and Priestess

Cakes & Ale

Bless the food and share it with each of the witnesses and Brighid.

I bless this bread. I bless this ale.
I bless the Land that nurtured it and the Sun that gave it power.
I bless all hands, seen and unseen, that have brought it to this place.
May it nurture all here, seen and unseen.


Spirits of the Land, Foundation of growth and life
Thank you for witnessing my dedication
May there be peace between us now and always.

Ancestors, Parents of all that lives
Thank you for witnessing my dedication
May there be peace between us now and always.

Boann, Lady of the Nine Hazels
Thank you for witnessing my dedication
May there be peace between us now and always.

Mannanon, Lord of the Cup of Truth
Thank you for witnessing my dedication
May there be peace between us now and always.

Holy maiden Brighid, Radiant arrow of flame
Thank you for witnessing my dedication
May there be peace between us now and always.

Snuff three candles for the realms and say:

The sky above me (draw spiral three times above)
The sea surrounds me (define a circle)
The earth beneath me (touch and ground in the earth)
Thus the Realms make sacred our lives.

The fire of inspiration infuses the realms and links all beings to the inner fire of divinity. I hold this flame in my heart as I from this place depart.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I feel her calling me

If you saw the blog I posted before this, you would have noticed that it is all about the Irish Goddess Brigid. For a good few weeks now I feel as if she is calling out to me, trying to get my attention. I started practicing the craft about 6 years ago, and have always prayed to Hecate and felt comfortable with her; but now I feel as if Brigid is my calling.
I suppose it makes sense in my head, me being of Irish descent and leaning more to the Celtic forms of Witchcraft.
So, from now and up until the next Sabbat which will be Mabon for me; I am going to be working with Brigid and a good feel for her. I am really excited and I know its going to be a magical experience.

Brighid, Goddess of Ireland

Brigid is one of the most enduring and beloved of the ancient Celtic goddesses. She was a matron goddess to healers and midwives, bards and poets: to the smithies who worked in gold and iron she was the very forge and flame of inspiration itself. As a goddess of compassion, hearth and home she was also considered a great protector of women, children and animals.

Patricia Monaghan wrote the following of Brigid in her book “The Goddess Path”:

Brigid’s primary symbol is fire, for her very name means “bright arrow” or simply “the bright one”. Almost into modern times, the ancient worship of the fire goddess Brigid was practiced at her sacred shrine in Kildare, where nineteen virgins tended the undying fire and where, on the twentieth day of each cycle, the fire was miraculously tended by Brigid herself. There, into the eighteenth century, the ancient song was sung to her: “Brigid, excellent woman, sudden flame, may the bright fiery sun take us to the lasting kingdom.”

But for more than ten centuries the Brigid invoked was a saint, rather than a goddess, and her attendants were nuns rather than priestesses. After the Christianization of Ireland in the fifth century, the shrine at Kildare became a convent where the ancient rites nevertheless continued undisturbed. Six hundred years later the ever-burning fire was doused by Henry de Londres, archbishop of Dublin, who saw the clearly pagan meaning of the flame.

For many centurie s the fire remained doused, but in 1993 the sisters of Saint Bridget, called the Brigantines, re-lit the sacred fire of Kildare and now keep it continually blazing as a symbol of healing and peace.
Water, too, is a symbol of the goddess. At Kildare, more than thirty sacred wells once gushed forth; the largest well is still in use as a healing shrine.

None of the information here belongs to me, I got all the information from the link above. I only used this page for information reason.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Litha Blessing Broom

Because Litha is only two day's away, I figured id decorate my besom.
Litha is the time of the Summer Solstice (Midsummer) and it a season of great solar energy.
It is the time when the Sun God is at his fullest, and the Goddess; being pregnant from Beltane with life. It is a great time of renewal. Out with the old and in with the new.
So one fun way to celebrate Litha is to create a Blessing broom, to sweep out negative energies in the home.
So I have taken my besom and added some flowers and herbs and such.
Litha is also a time of great magic, and evil spirits are said to roam the earth. So witches would take small bell's and tie them the the besom, so that when they swept the house the noise would scare the evil spirits away. So iv got me a few bell's tied to mine and also some ribbons.
When your done with your besom, you can hang it up in your house for protection :)
As you sweep your house, do this little chant...

Sweeping, sweeping, 'round the room,
Blessings from this cleansing broom.
From floor to ceiling, and all between,
May this space be fresh and clean.
Sweeping good energy here to me,
As I will, so it shall be.

If you want to consecrate your broom, which I do to all of my ritual tools you can. Here is the ritual I do to all my tools, you can use it too.

What You Need

A candle, preferably white
A cup of water
The tool to be consecrated

You'll need a white candle, a cup of water, a small bowl of salt, and incense. Each corresponds to one of the cardinal elements and directions:

North/Earth: salt
East/Air: incense
South/Fire: candle
West/Water: water
If your tradition requires you to cast a circle, do so now. Light the candle and the incense. Take the tool or other item you wish to consecrate in your hands, and face north. Pass it over the salt and say:

Powers of the North,
Guardians of the Earth,
I consecrate this wand of willow (or knife of steel, amulet of crystal, etc)
and charge it with your energies.
I purify it this night, and make this tool sacred.

Now, turn to the east and, holding the tool in the smoke of the incense, say:

Powers of the East,
Guardians of the Air,
I consecrate this wand of willow
and charge it with your energies.
I purify it this night, and make this tool sacred.

Next, face the south and pass the tool over the flame of the candle -- be careful if it's a flammable material like Tarot cards or a robe! -- and repeat the process, saying:

Powers of the South,
Guardians of Fire,
I consecrate this wand of willow
and charge it with your energies.
I purify it this night, and make this tool sacred.

Finally, turn to the west, and pass your ritual tool over the cup of water. Say:
Powers of the West,
Guardians of Water,
I consecrate this wand of willow [or knife of steel, amulet of crystal, etc]
and charge it with your energies.
I purify it this night, and make this tool sacred.

Face your altar, hold the wand (athame/chalice/amulet/whatever) to the sky, and say:

I charge this wand in the name of Old Ones,
the Ancients, the Sun and the Moon and the Stars.
By the powers of the Earth, of Air, of Fire and of Water
I banish the energies of any previous owners,
and make it new and fresh.
I consecrate this wand,
and it is mine.

Now you've not only consecrated the tool, you've claimed ownership. In many Wiccan traditions, it's considered a good idea to put the item to use immediately to bind the consecration and strengthen the energy of the tool.

Have fun with it :)
Blessed Be )O(

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Cone of Power

A Cone of Power is an energy form raised within a ritual or magick circle. Typically the energy collects into an etheric shape resembling a rounded pyramid, a somewhat cone-like image. It is often used to transmit energy that is designed to aid in healing or to manifest a desire.

There are many methods of raising a Cone of Power. Some Wiccans/Witches employ ecstatic dance, chanting, drumming, guided imagery, meditation, trance, or techniques that alter consciousness.

Once a Cone of Power is raised it is then released so that its magick can be transmitted. Depending on the type of magick used, the cone can be sent to a person, place, or thing, through guided imagery, or the Cone can be implanted directly within the astral plane for manifestation.

The Cone of Power is one of the methods of working magic, and refers to a technique for focusing energy within a magical circle. The circle acts as both lens and container for the energy of an individual or group, creating a "cone" shape before being released for particular purpose. But why a cone? The cone is the shape of energy perceived by those sensitive to the energy currents. Churches also make use of this shape to direct energy heavenwards, with steeples situated over the altar, the nexus of energy raised by the congregation, concentrated by the priest and released. The Witches' hat is a reminder of the shape of this energy.

The basic energy is that of the human body, increased and channeled in accordance with Will, although with experience, and practice, it is possible to draw on the energies of the earth and moon. Dancing and chanting is a popular way of raising the energy within the circle, and it’s fun too. however, if dancing is not possible, there is a more mental and psychic way of raising energy.

The method an individual may use is to sit or stand with eyes closed and visualise the sphere around you as a shining silver light. Now visualize the silver energy within the sphere begin to spin and swirl, as you do this, add your own energy to that of the circle by visualising a shining light of your aura flowing away from your body like the flames from a bonfire rising into the night, mingling with it, stretching it to a point. With this, put all your will and intent of the spell or ritual into the energy in the same way. Do this for a few minutes until you feel ready to continue.

Now, let the energy around you spin faster and faster within the sphere. as you're reading this you should be getting a picture in your mind as to what it should be like. It is exactly the same, only with a bit more focus. That is all there is to visualising: picturing it in your mind. If you can't do it at first, stay calm and let it come to you. as you practice, visualisation becomes easier. I also find that reading through rituals helps, even if you aren’t performing them because you are still going through it in your mind.

Now, by this time, the energy and your intent should be swirling fast around you. Now, slowly let this energy rise up but getting narrower as you do so the energy becomes concentrated. Let this continue until all the energy has formed a cone shape above you, swirling faster and faster. Feel the energy and force, become excited with it, there's no need to stay calm at this point. Now, when you feel that you can't hold it anymore, let the energy be released in a burst of silver light streaming out into the universe.

You can use a power word or just the nova like visualization, don't be surprised if you worked up a sweat or feel a liitle tired Your spell is now sent out to the universe to work your will and manifest in time.

For a Group the process is much the same, the group first decides on its intent, then joining hands determines the power word. The Silver Moon Crow Coven, using entoning at this point to begin building the power. Then each individual closes there eyes and settles into the visualization of the circle, the entoning begins a low solid note, and the circle begins to move in a blur of energy gradually increasing in speed.

Sense the energy moving about you slowly building as your companions fuel it. Now visualize the silver energy within the sphere begin to spin and swirl, as you do this, add your own energy to that of the circle by visualising a shining light of your aura flowing away from your body like the flames from a bonfire rising into the night, mingling with it, stretching it to a point. With this, put all your will and intent of the spell or ritual into the energy in the same way. Do this for a few minutes until you feel ready to continue.

The tone changes, vollume increases as the power builds, your arms, holding hands with the person next to you begin to lift. The single harmonic note begins to form from the syllables and as one the group cries out the word of power releasing the cone with a burst of energy into the cosmos.